Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dead men tell no tales Part 2: Quick thinking.

                                         *After seeing the C4 straped to his chest, Jon had
                                         an idea. He thought to himself: If, I stuck the C4 to 
                                         the door, and hid under that scrap meatal in the 
                                         corner, mabey just mabey...
                                         *Jon crawls over to the door*
                                         Jon: Groan...
                                         *Jon straps C4 to the door*
                                          * Jon crawls over to the sheet of meatal in the corner*
                                         *Just as Jon crawls under the sheet meatal...*
                                         Automated voice on the C4: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...
                               Jon: Good, I'm outta there...
                               *Jon grabs the now dead bodygaurd's uzi and ammo.*
                               Jon: Let's do this.

                    TO BE CONTINUED!!!

Dead men tell no tales Part 1: Life or death situation.

////LOG OF JON W. BEASON START//// I was airdroped in a 11:45 P.M. On march 23, 2014. My mission was to take out an illegal weapons smuggler who was supplying an infamous terrorist group, called: RED MOON. More info later. ////LOG END////
                                         Jon: Where are my weapons?
                                         Smuggler: Where is my money?
                                         Jon: In my vehicle.
                                         Smuggler: ...
                                         *Body guard draws machine pistol*
                                         Smuggler: we know why your here, and that you
                                         Were airdroped.
                                         *Jon draws revolver*
                                         *Bodyguard fires and Jon dodges bullets*
                                         Jon: Nice try.
                                         *Jon shoots smuggler and runs*
                                         Bodygaurd: GET HIM!!!
                                         *Terrorist fires machine gun and chases after Jon*
                                         *Jon punches terrorist and takes his gun and pulls
                                          him in front of him and...*
                                         *BABOOM! Sniper fires and hits the terroist*
                                         Jon: how do ya like THIS?
                                         *TAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA Another
                                         terrorist shoots Jon in the arm*
                                         Jon: Groan...
                                                                 2 Hours later.....
                                                 Jon: Where am I.....
                                                 Bodyguard: Can't tell ya that. Ha.
                                                 *Bodyguard seals steel door*
                                                 *Jon looks down and sees a C4 explosive
                                                 straped to his chest, it reads: 7:33 and the
                                                 number keeps decreasing*

                                            TO BE CONTINUED!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


                                         U.S. marines
                                         Viet cong.

Just some lego 'nam stuffs. Enjoy.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Oh look, a post! C:

Hello this iz a post. Derp.

Here are 2 pics:

Woo. Hoo.
Also, might post a movie sometime *soon!

*Soon as in mabies a week. C: