Tuesday, August 28, 2012


~When the sandstorms hit, I felt like I was In the dustbowl... Only this, this is MUCH worse...~

Lego Airsoft #3

The 3rd Lego Airsoft guy. :D

Friday, August 24, 2012

Fig Blagh

 Tablescrap support guy. :p
 Tablesgrap paratrooper, :0
tablescrap apoca guy. :S

Monday, August 20, 2012

Homemade Pretzels!

Mmmmmmmmmm! These were all eaten after I took this pic. :P
 Oh, look, Lincoln posts non LEGO! :O

3rd party vendor vest review! :D

LtoR: LEGO agents vest, it's ok, good if you have like nothing else.6/10. Brickforge vest: Good quality, nice looking, CHEAP! 8/10. Amazing armory vest: Most likely my favorite vest i own! The only cons are , there expensive, and I used to have another one, but I was taking it off a fig, and it snapped in half, as they are very fragile. :(. 8/10. Tiny tactical vest: Great! Nice looking, good qualitie, cheap-ish, nothing really wrong. 9/10.  
I hope to get a tinytactical RRV vest next month, as this months order was mainly weapons. :p


So, last day of summer. D: Don't expect a ton more, but I can still do stuff the first two weeks! :D
Also, there is now a scout for them that i may post later. :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday, August 10, 2012

Lego siggy.

Setting up a defensive perimiter

Yayz for out door photography! :D

Javelin launch.

Meh, Took me like 2 minuets. :/

Forest Ghillie.

A forest ghillie. I just love making these things! :DDD

MW3 Jugg


I made this little guy today. He issn't my best, but I like it. :)

Urban Ghillie suit.

<3 I made this. :DDDDD Grass stuff is "Bush" Material at the hobby store. :D This pic really doesn't give it justice!


Just thew some parts together a couple days ago. His gloves are actually dark blue, but the pic  make them look Black. :/
Also, Found my card reader! :DDDDDD

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Expect delays, as my camera card is MIA. (Missing in action) so I can't post any pictures till I find it. Stay posted till then. Sorry. :(

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The days camo.

Did some camo today, the blue legs have black on them, and the gray looks white in this pic. :S
Expect some cool stuff tomorrow. :D Bye.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Better watch yo back!

Sniper pose is not my idea. :P

Umm, watewut. :3



Just a quick, boring 5 min Photoshop job. :S

I'm Back! :D

Yeah, I'm back. I went fishing, (And drove the boat. :p) went to the LEGO store in the Mall of America, went to a Twins game, ( Which they (Obviously) Lost.) Then went to a cheese store :D, and went to Mt. Rushmore. :DDDDD. Overall, it just feels good to be back. (Also, school is about to start, so don't expect much from me then.)