Wednesday, December 19, 2012


'Evry day im deskscrappin'. In other news, some funny stuff happened in 3rd period that involved a lacrosse stick butt and a play on words. :3

Thursday, December 13, 2012

U.S H.A.L.O jumper, 2015.

Oh yus. I love it. There is a hand painted U.S flag on his arm.... with stars! :O Not sure if I'm the only one to do that so far or not...

Universal operator.

Pretty legit, eh? I am lovin this new gear1 :D
Sorry for crap photo, my camera is constipated. :p

Monday, December 10, 2012

Tier one operative.

Blegh, talk about shoddy photography. I will say I am gonna retake it, even though I never do. :3 That is cause of life is so awesome and busy right now. SO that explains my absence...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

MOC reupload, and building and terrain test.

Um... yeah. Also planning to get some monies and order some parts from altBricks. :D

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I don't know about this one.... Crappy pic is my fault, I'm just so tired. I'll try to get a better pic tomorrow, If its still built. SO... for now just focus on the build and not my photography skill lackage  when I'm tired. :p

And yes, this means I am actually NOT quitting LEGO. ;3

Monday, November 26, 2012

Ballistic knife test.

Meh. This sucks IMO... Also, If I can't get my hands on some parts fast, I may lose interest in this hobby completely. :(

Friday, November 23, 2012

Apawk figures.

Yepperdoodles. Dey be deskscraps...

Also, sucks for me I have an ear infection and a slow compooter. :S

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Uh huh, last pic sucks, deal with it. -_-


Monday, November 19, 2012

All my Tiny tactical. (almost.)

Missing: 1 DK tan M4/AR15 mag pouch, and a couple smaller ones that are from one of the vests on the far left. :}


Yeah. I have been kinda inactive due to crap grades... :{
Any-who, I am almost caught up! So I made some figs! :D

Top is normal ghost, bottom is a fictional jungle ghost! :)


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Yelleh specter!

 Ok, Review time! :D So I got this fig and he is great! The weapons he comes with are good, and the printing is great! The only cripe is that the belt... is, uh, differant, In the pics on Gibrick, he has pouches on the belt, and when he came and had no belt pouches, I was sad. :( Oh well, still an awesome fig!
 Front view.
Back view.

I ordered from GI-brick on saturday and it came on tuesday! That is pretty dang fast! Thanks for the great service!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Cul huh? I have V2 made now... will post it later.


12:00 am, 11-11-13, unknown location.
I was sitting at my desk, about to open my envelope from the boss... and I heard somthing outside my door, I went for my gun... I felt the suppressor of a gun at my back, and two men in masks tied me to my chair and gaged me with duct-tape. One of them held a knife to my neck, while the other went through  my desk, he pulled out the envelopes, and nodded to the other. The one with the knife said, "Thank you for your cooperation." And knocked me out.........

Airplane pilot.

So I had this on my desk for like 2 weeks... Also, yellow specter is coming in the mail... Me gusta.

Urban combat gear.

Yay. Not my best work...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Baws MOC and fig.

Pretty cul huh? Crappy pics courtesy of my normal camera being shot, and me having to use a crappy digital one.


*EDIT! He is Ok, whew!

I'm so sad! My little brother shoved a lego up his nose, and is on his way to the hospital right now... I'm so scared for him! And what makes it worse for me is that it was one of MY legos, and he did it when I was supposed to be watching him! I fell so guilty! ;_;

Also, while I'm on a negative note, my camera needs a new card, or maybe I need a new card reader... either way I have to use a DIGITAL CAMERA. (Dunn dunn DUNNNNN!) And it is not the best in the world, but It is still good after some editing on my part. :/

BUT, on a positive note, I have gotten back into making beastly MOCs, so expect one tomorrow.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Le old.

Trying something new. It's a turtle on a SNOT rock.

*Le PMC.

 Sorry for not the best photography, but the vest has a plate carrier made from e-tape, and 2 TT M4 pouches. Torso is collectible minifigs DJ minifig.
This side also has a plate carrier, but you can tell what the pouch is.

Monday, October 29, 2012

M@H pUmPk3eN!!!11!!!!!11!!one!!!1111!

 V1; D1s 1z TeH f1Rst 1 i MeAd, Iz pR3tTe3 B@wS eEf 1 Du3 S@y S0 M@h SelF!!!111!!one!
V2; 3eF yO0 D33d Kn0T N0t1cE, De3z V3rzi0n H@z An N1f3 eEn h1zz He@d!!!!1!!!1111!

Translation: V1: This is the first one I made, it's pretty boss if I do say so my self!
                    V2: If you did not notice, this version has a knife in his head!

'Twas all for LOL's and giggles. :3

The Biggest figbarf EVAH!

 Tacticool dude. :3
 IDK what this is. <_<
 IDK, I just thought he looked cool.
 Sweedish spec ops, 2015
 Urban warfare. (My little brother made the ghille suite combos, he has a Citizen brick urban camo head  under the hood.)
 Navy SEAL-ish tablescrap.
 Apoca "City slicker" (He has BA on him, it is the blade of a HEAVILY MODIFIED Dadao)
Helicopter piolet (Inspired by A civillian.)