Monday, October 29, 2012

M@H pUmPk3eN!!!11!!!!!11!!one!!!1111!

 V1; D1s 1z TeH f1Rst 1 i MeAd, Iz pR3tTe3 B@wS eEf 1 Du3 S@y S0 M@h SelF!!!111!!one!
V2; 3eF yO0 D33d Kn0T N0t1cE, De3z V3rzi0n H@z An N1f3 eEn h1zz He@d!!!!1!!!1111!

Translation: V1: This is the first one I made, it's pretty boss if I do say so my self!
                    V2: If you did not notice, this version has a knife in his head!

'Twas all for LOL's and giggles. :3


  1. Yeah, I just finished earlyer than everyone, mainly cause they all tried to use some cheap pumpkin carving kit, (BTW, one of the "saws" in the kit broke afteer my mom cut jout one eye. :3) and they all gave up cause it didn't even work that well. LOL. :p
